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Comparing The Titanic To A Modern Cruise Ship

Comparing the Titanic to a Modern Cruise Ship

The Titanic vs. Modern Cruise Ships


Modern cruise ships are on average 20% longer than the Titanic and twice as tall. Icon of the Seas, the largest cruise ship in the world, is over 1,188 feet long and 250 feet tall. The Titanic, on the other hand, was 882 feet long and 175 feet tall.

Passenger Count

Modern cruise ships can accommodate thousands more passengers than the Titanic. Icon of the Seas can carry over 7,500 passengers, while the Titanic could only carry 2,435 passengers.


Modern cruise ships have a much larger crew than the Titanic. Icon of the Seas has over 2,500 crew members, while the Titanic had only 892 crew members.


Modern cruise ships offer a wide range of amenities that were not available on the Titanic. These amenities include swimming pools, waterparks, movie theaters, casinos, and much more.


Modern cruise ships are much safer than the Titanic. They are equipped with a variety of safety features, including watertight compartments, lifeboats, and fire sprinklers. The Titanic, on the other hand, was not equipped with these safety features, which contributed to its sinking.

Overall, modern cruise ships are much larger, can accommodate more passengers, have a larger crew, offer more amenities, and are safer than the Titanic.
